API Testing & DB Testing

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WhatsApp : +91 9989443915

API TESTING is a software testing type that validates Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The purpose of API Testing is to check the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of the programming interfaces. 

API tests are very different from GUI Tests and won’t concentrate on the look and feel of an application. It mainly concentrates on the business logic layer of the software architecture.

Course Details --> API_Testing_with_POSTMAN.pdf

Course Objectives:

After successful completion of  this course, you should be able to learn:

  • What is API Testing
  • Web Services vs Web API
  •  POSTMAN Tool for API Testing
  • What is Mobile Application Testing
  • Different segments on Mobile App Testing
  • Tools for Mobile App Testing
  • Browserstack for Mobile App Testing
  • Real Time Business Scenarios
  • Database Testing

Who can join this course?

Any Fresh Graduates, Students and working professionals who wants to learn API Testing fundamentals and test using POSTMAN tool. Also get awareness about Mobile App Testing using Browserstack . 


Basic knowledge of Software Applications and Testing Knowledge is essential for API Testing. No coding skills is required for this course.

What you will learn:

  • API Testing
    • Introduction and Background of API Testing
    • Shift Left Testing
    • Basics of API Testing
    • Web Services vs Web API
    • Choosing the Right Tool for API Testing
    • Web Services Overview (SOAP vs REST)
    • Components of Web Services
    • Types of Web Services
    • POSTMAN Introduction
    • Postman for Testing Different API formats
    • Postman Variable Scope and Environment Files
    • Postman Collections – Import, Export, and Generate Code Samples
    • Automating Response Validations with Assertions
    • Postman – Pre Request and Post Request Scripts
    • Postman – Command line integration with Newman
    • Postman – Reporting templates with Newman
    • Real Time – Business Scenarios
    • API Testing Interview Questions
  • Rest Assured Libraries to automate API Testing
  • Mobile Application Testing
    • Introduction
    • Tools for Mobile App Testing
    • What all to consider during Mobile App Testing
    • Automation Tools for Mobile App Testing
    • Mobile App Testing with Browserstack
    • Android vs iOS
    • Mobile App Testing Interview Questions
  • Database Testing
    • What is a Database?
    • What is RDBMS?
    • Different Types of Databases
    • How Database Testing is essential in Software Testing
    • How to connect to Database?
    • SQL (Structured Query Language)
    • DDL and DML
    • CRUD Operations
      • Create
      • Read
      • Update
      • Delete
    • Interview Questions

Note: Contact us for batch and joining details

WhatsApp : +91 9989443915