Automation Testing

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Selenium is used for automating Web Application Testing. Selenium is open source tool, hence many companies preferring Selenium to cut down project maintenance cost which increased demand for Selenium Testers.

Course Objectives:

After successful completion of  this course, you should be able to learn:

  • Automation fundamentals
  • Need for Automation
  • Importance of Automation
  • Core Java Concepts 
  • Programming Exposure
  • Selenium WebDriver 3.0
  • WebDriver Methods
  • Identifying the Web Elements by using different locator's id, name, classname, tagname, linktext, CSS, xPath etc.
  • Automating Editbox, DropdownList, Links, Checkboxes, RadioButtons, Tables, Calendars, Keyboard and Mouse Operations
  • Handling window components with AutoIT
  • Handling Alerts, Frames and Multiple windows
  • Validate page content using Selenium WebDriver
  • Write Tests using TestNG
  • Learn TestNG Annotations, Assertions, Generating Test Reports etc.,
  • Learn developing and executing Test Suits using testng.xml
  • Scheduling Tests with Jenkins
  • Automation Frameworks
    • Modular Approach
    • Data Driven
    • Page Object Model (Design Pattern)
    • BDD Framework (Cucumber)

Who can join this course?

Any Fresh Graduates, Students and working professionals who want to learn and become Automation Test Engineer. Selenium is very popular in Software Testing Industry. People with basic knowledge of Object Oriented Programming can easily take up this course.


Basic knowledge of Core Java programming is essential for SELENIUM. We provide a complimentary course "Java Essentials for Testing with Selenium WebDriver" to all the students who enroll for Automation course.

What you will learn:

  • Java Programming Basics
    • Object Oriented Programming in JAVA
    • Exception Handling
    • Automating Excel file Operations using Apache POI
    • Automating Text File Operations
    • Automating Database Operations Using JDBC
  • Selenium Introduction
    • Launching Web Application and Inspecting properties of Elements
    • Finding elements using Locators
    • Creating Customize XPath/CSS Selectors
    • Automating WebElements Operation
    • Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events
    • Handling Alerts
    • Handling Frames
    • Handling multiple Windows
    • Synchronization
    • TestNG
    • Cucumber