1. What is a Data Driven Framework?
2. Explain advantages of Automation Framework?
3. What is BDD framework?
4. What is the usage of Hybrid Framework?
5. How Page Object Model can be used in Framework?
6. What is a Framework?
7. What do you about TestNG ?
8. What do you about Cucumber?
9. What is a feature file in Cucumber?
10. How to pass parameters in TestNG?
11. How to run multiple testcases in TestNG?
12. How to run multiple classfiles in TestNG?
13. What is use of iTestListener in TestNG?
14. What is Cucumber Options?
15. What is Step Definition in Cucumber?
16. How do you run Testcases in Cucumber?
17. What is a TestRunner Class in Cucumber?
18. What all main components of your Automation Framework?
19. What is Page Object Model?
20. What is Object Repository?
21. Consider a scenario, your automation test cases should be able to across two releases where xPaths are different in both the releases, how can you handle this situation?
22. Who will decide the which Automation Framework should be used and how to decide?
23. Have you involved in Automation Framework development, if yes, what's your contribution?
24. What is use of Common Methods in a Framework?
25. What is Modular Approach?