HR Related questions

1. Why are you leaving the current job?

2. How much package you are expecting?

3. How soon you can join?

4. What do you know about the company?

5. Tell me about yourself.

6. Why are you interested in this position?

7. What type of work environment do you prefer? 

8. Do you prefer working independently or on a team?

9. What are your strengths?

10. What do you think are your biggest weaknesses? 

11. Why should I hire you? 

12. Where do you see yourself in three to five years?

13. Why did you choose this profession? 

14. Tell me about the worst manager you ever had ?

15. What's wrong with your past/current employer? 

16. How do you handle stress?

17. What are your career goals?

18. How did you resolve your conflicts with your team mates?

19. Would like to work over time and extra hours?

20. What is most important for you: Money or the Work? 

21. Assume you are hired, then how long would you expect to work for us?

22. How do you rate yourself on the scale of 1 to 10?

23. What is your objective in life?

24. What are your hobbies?

25. Are you a Fun type or Serious type?

26. What can you do to become a good team player?

27. Would you lie for the company?

28. Did you get any other offers in hand?

29. Are you trying other jobs also?

30. What does success mean to you?

31. Describe yourself in one word?

32. What is the difference between confidence and over-confidence?

33. What is the difference between hard work and smark work?

34. Don't you think you are over qualified for this position?

35. What is the disappointment in your life?

36. What makes you angry?

37. Would you take any gifts from customers?

38. What was the most difficult decision you made in your past life?

39. How do you get motivated?

40. What gets you up in the morning?

41. What was the biggest mistake in your life?

42. How do you deal with an angry or irritated customer?

43. Do you references in this company?

44. What is your greatest fear?

45. What will you do, if you don't get this position?