Manual Testing

1. How do you define Testing?

Testing is a process of validating the system with the purpose of identifying any errors / gaps or missing requirements versus the actual requirements

2. What is Regression Testing?

Regression testing is a process of re-execution of the existing/legacy functionality to ensure which is not broken due to new changes or modifications in the code.

3. Difference between black box and white box testing?

Black Box testing only considers external behaviors of the system, internal workings of the software not taken into account.

White Box testing is a method used to test a software taking into consideration its internal functioning/logical flows.

4. What is a Test Scenario?

Test Scenario usually describes, what to test at high level functionality,  basically use case level testing.

5. Difference between Test Scenario and Test Case?

Test Scenario is high level describing the functionality to test, where as Test case will have detailed navigation step to execute functionality and also contains expected results and other important elements for test case like test data / priority etc.

6. What is a Test Plan typically contains?

Test Plan refers to detailing about the test strategy, objectives, schedule, estimations, deadlines, and the resources required for completing that particular project and also which includes Risk and Mitigation plan for the QA execution.

7. Who develops the Test Plan?

Test Manager or Test Lead will be responsible to come up with the Test Plan.

8. What is Re-Testing?

Re-Testing is the process of re-validation of the failed testcases once those fixed in the latest builds.

9. Difference between Functional and Non-Functional Testing?

Functional Testing focus the requirements mentioned the FRS document. These are the direct requirements from the customers.

Non-Functional Testing focus on some of the standard behaviors that application should have during implementation. As part of this following tests will be done by the QA Team.

Ex: Performance Testing, Security, Usability, UI Testing, etc.

10. Is Performance Testing  Functional or Non-Functional Testing?

Performance Testing will be considered as part of Non-Functional Testing.

11. What is a Defect?

A deviation between actual behavior and expected behavior of the system.

12. Difference between Bug and Defect?

Both are same, Bug is the term used mostly as informal and Defect term is used as official.

13. Difference between SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle) and STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)?

SDLC refers to complete life cycle of software development starting from requirements to maintenance.

STLC refers to, how testing being involved during Software Development Life Cycle while in every stage of the cycle.

14. What is a priority in a Defect?

Priority refers, how important/urgent that defect is to be fixed.

Ex: High (P1), Medium(P2), Low(P3) and Minor(P4)

15. How 'Severity' is different from a 'Priority'?

Severity refers, how big the impact on the product, can be classified as (Critical (S1), Major(S2), Medium(S3), and Low(S4)).

Severity is static entry which always remain same and in very cases changes are introduced in it.

Priority is dynamic attribute which may be modified based on the requirements of the business.

16. Why Test Data is so Important?

Correct Test Data ensure all possibilities of Test Coverage for that respective Test Scenario/Test Case. Which will provide high possibility of finding a Defect.

17. How do you define a Potential Testcase?

A Potential Testcase which has high possibility of finding a defect.

18. What is a Test Set ?

Test Set will contain full set or subset of the testcases to be executed as part of that test execution cycle.

19. Difference between UI Testing and Usability Testing?

UI Testing focusing on Layout of webpages, Alignment of forms, Usage of color combinations in the forms etc.

Usability Testing focusing on, how easy the user can navigate and use the applicate with ease.

20. BETA Testing will be done by the customers (TRUE / FALSE)?


21. How do you become a potential Test Engineer?

As a Test Engineer make sure the following things to become a potential Test Engineer:

  1. Design the Test case with clear steps and correct test data.
  2. Be strong in Test Execution and Identify as many as defects that you can. Defects must be with good quality and which will impact the product.
  3. Become a SME in your functional area / product so that team can reach you for any clarification about functional behavior.

22. Difference between load testing and stress testing?

Load Testing : Sequential incremental load into the system with a 'think' time is called as a LOAD Testing

Load Testing helps to check the system scalability levels.

Stress Testing : Sequential Incremental Load into the system with out think time is called as a Stress Testing.

Stress Testing helps to check the system breakdown levels.

23. What is Agile Testing? How it is different from Non-Agile Testing?

24. Why can't developer do the testing?

There is clear cut difference between Developer prospective and Tester Prospective, with the Developer mind set testing can not have full test coverage. 

Developer prospective: Main focus on code should work and deliver for testing.

Tester Prospective: How this functionality can break, think about all possible combinations to validate the functionality.

25. Which one is most important, Time to Market or Quality?

Time to Market and Quality both are equally important, but by default Quality comes first.

26. Why some of the defects could not able to find in test environment? 

QA Environments will setup usually with a fresh environment and testing happens with low or medium size of the Database.

Where Customer Environment will have complex in nature and huge data base, which cause some defects which may not able to identify in QA environment.

27. Boundary value testing is 

  1. Is the same as equivalence partitioning tests 
  2. Tests combinations of input circumstances 
  3. Test boundary conditions on, below and above the edges of input and output equivalence classes 
  4. Is used in white box testing strategy 

28. How much testing is enough? 

  1. This question is easy to answer 
  2. This question is impossible to answer 
  3. The answer depends on the risk for your industry, contract and special requirements 
  4. This answer depends on the maturity of your developers 

29. Testing of individual components by developer comes under ___________ 

  1. Functional Testing 
  2. Unit Testing 
  3. Integration Testing 
  4. Adhoc Testing

30. The order in which test levels are performed is: 

  1. Unit, Integration, Acceptance, System 
  2. Unit, System, Integration, Acceptance 
  3. Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance 
  4. It depends on the nature of a project