Selenium questions

1) What is the difference between Absolute path and Relative Path?

2) What is the difference between Assert and Verify statements in Selenium?

3) What is the difference between findElement() and findElements()?

4) What are the verification points that are available in Selenium?

5) Explain Implicit wait, Explicit wait and Fluent wait?

6) What is the major difference between driver.close() and driver.quit()?

7) What is the difference between the getwindowhandle() and getwindowhandles()?

8) What are the different kinds of frameworks?

9) What is an Object Repository and Explain how we can create the Object Repository in Selenium?

10) Can Selenium handle windows-based pop-up?

11) What are the different types of Annotations used in Selenium?

12) What is the difference between setSpeed() and sleep() methods?

13) How can you store a value in a text box?

14) How can you read a value from a text box?

15) How can you debug the tests in the Selenium IDE?

16) How can you handle working with multiple windows in Selenium?

17) How can the message in the alert box be retrieved?

18) Can you automate CAPTCHA?

19) How do we launch different browsers in Selenium?

20) What is Locator and How do you locate an element in Selenium?

21) Explain different types of Exceptions in Selenium Web driver?

22) Which API is used for database testing in the Selenium web driver?

23) Which implementation of the web driver is the fastest?

24) What can Selenium be used for?

25) Which language is best for selenium?

26) Which CLASS can be used for handling mouse over events?

27) Which CLASS can be used for selecting the drop down options?

28) What is an xPath in selenium?